Samantha Cortez, Author at Wall Street Insanity Making Money Less Insane Wed, 05 Feb 2020 20:57:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 39880650 After Spending A Week In The Hospital, This Man Received A Beautiful Welcome Home Surprise From His Wife Tue, 19 Nov 2013 17:54:48 +0000 This woman is certainly one of the best wives ever. One Reddit user spent a week in the hospital, and when he came out, he was happily surprised by a series of pictures his wife drew for him. My wife drew me this amazing welcome home present, and it made me just about tear up—I love her style so much. ...

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This woman is certainly one of the best wives ever. One Reddit user spent a week in the hospital, and when he came out, he was happily surprised by a series of pictures his wife drew for him.

My wife drew me this amazing welcome home present, and it made me just about tear up—I love her style so much. So I wanted to share these,” he wrote on his Reddit post.


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Vimeo Releases Revenue Numbers For The First Time Tue, 19 Nov 2013 17:00:19 +0000 For the first time since the company was founded in 2004, Vimeo’s revenue has been released. IAC/Interactive Corp., who purchased the video-sharing website in 2006 (and also owns OKCupid,, Urbanspoon and The Daily Beast), revealed that Vimeo averages more than 100 million unique users and has 400,000 customers paying for Vimeo Plus (a service that costs $10 per month ...

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Image via Vimeo

Image via Vimeo

For the first time since the company was founded in 2004, Vimeo’s revenue has been released. IAC/Interactive Corp., who purchased the video-sharing website in 2006 (and also owns OKCupid,, Urbanspoon and The Daily Beast), revealed that Vimeo averages more than 100 million unique users and has 400,000 customers paying for Vimeo Plus (a service that costs $10 per month or $60 per year). At the end of October, the site’s 12-month revenue had reached roughly $40 million.

IAC/Interactive Corp. is optimistic about the numbers.

We have a number of assets that could live on their own,” IAC Chief Executive Greg Blatt told Reuters. “Vimeo, we believe, is an asset that will reach that status.”

The site mainly caters to filmmakers, giving them an platform to showcase high-quality work.

Vimeo has proven there is an entire world of really high quality content out there, just as YouTube showed the power of broadcasting,” Trainor said.

The site also offers other services, such as Vimeo PRO, that allows user to enhance and edit their videos, and gives them storage space. As the site caters to filmmakers, it’s much more generous with how it splits profits, taking only 10 percent, compared to YouTube’s 45 percent.

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MSNBC Host Says Sarah Palin Should Eat Feces, And Then Apologizes Tue, 19 Nov 2013 16:52:33 +0000 MSNBC host Martin Bashir blasted Sarah Palin after she compared America’s deficit to slavery, and now Bashir is learning that two wrongs don’t make a right. Our free stuff today is being paid for today by taking money from our children and borrowing from China,” she said. “When that money comes due and — this isn’t racist, so try it, ...

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Image via MSNBC

Image via MSNBC

MSNBC host Martin Bashir blasted Sarah Palin after she compared America’s deficit to slavery, and now Bashir is learning that two wrongs don’t make a right.

Our free stuff today is being paid for today by taking money from our children and borrowing from China,” she said. “When that money comes due and — this isn’t racist, so try it, try it anyway, this isn’t racist — but it’s going to be like slavery when that note is due. Right? We are going to be beholden to a foreign master.”

Bashir didn’t like the comments, calling her “America’s resident dunce” and a “world-class idiot” and saying that she should have a slave’s punishment for the comment by eating feces.

During his show on Friday, Bashir thought he’d give the governor a lesson on slavery by reading a passage from the writings of Thomas Thistlewood, who worked on a plantation in Jamaica.

In 1756, he records that a slave named Darby ‘catched eating kanes had him well flogged and pickled, then made Hector, another slave, sh-t in his mouth,'” Bashir read. “When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate.”

Although Palin hadn’t responded to his criticism, he gave a formal apology to hear on the show, saying that he “wanted to take this opportunity to say sorry to Mrs. Palin and to also offer an unreserved apology.”

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‘Selfie’ Is Named Word Of The Year By Oxford Dictionary Tue, 19 Nov 2013 16:01:57 +0000 Britain’s Oxford University Press has named “selfie” as the word of the year for 2013. Every year, Oxford Dictionary picks a word of the year, with different words being applied to the U.K and the U.S. “Selfie,” however, fit the bill for both this time. Over the past year, the usage for the word selfie has grown tremendously, and become ...

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Image via Shutterstock

Image via Shutterstock

Britain’s Oxford University Press has named “selfie” as the word of the year for 2013.

Every year, Oxford Dictionary picks a word of the year, with different words being applied to the U.K and the U.S. “Selfie,” however, fit the bill for both this time.

Over the past year, the usage for the word selfie has grown tremendously, and become mainstream. It’s no longer merely a part of Twitter or Instagram, and it’s certainly become a part of the common English language. And being that the word of the year seeks to capture the current mood of the times, selfie definitely qualified.

According to Oxford’s blog, the final decision was unanimous. “This is a little unusual. Normally there will be some good-natured debate as one person might champion their particular choice over someone else’s,” the blog reads. “But this time, everyone seemed to be in agreement almost from the start.”

The blog also discusses the rise in usage of the word, which appeared as early as 2002, but didn’t see heavy progression until 2012.

Other words on the shortlist included bitcoin, binge-watch, and twerk.

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Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Says His Flip Phone Got Him His $1.2 Billion Stadium Tue, 19 Nov 2013 15:01:52 +0000 If you’re trying to save money, ditch your smartphone in favor of a flip phone. At least, that’s how the Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, is doing it. The footage and images of him using a flip phone gained some widespread attention. After all, he’s worth $3 billion, according to Forbes, and can certainly invest in something more advanced. I ...

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Image via Twitter/corkgaines

Image via Twitter/corkgaines

If you’re trying to save money, ditch your smartphone in favor of a flip phone. At least, that’s how the Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, is doing it.

The footage and images of him using a flip phone gained some widespread attention. After all, he’s worth $3 billion, according to Forbes, and can certainly invest in something more advanced.

Although some people laughed and others mocked, Jones said in an interview that it’s his flip phone that has helped him get to where is now.

“It’s how you have a stadium worth $1.2 [billion] if you watch your pennies and use flip phones,” said Jones. “You can’t have it all,” he told CBS.

Although Jones probably can have it all, the metaphor sits nicely. By cutting unnecessary costs out of your life, you’re saving “pennies” for the venture you seek, whether it be a startup or a vacation.

“You can have some pretty confidential conversation and not get overheard by the camera man by talking into this flip phone,” he said about the benefits of his phone.

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Drew Carey Gets Pranked On ‘Price Is Right’ (Video) Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:43:04 +0000 Drew Carey really hates the set up of a game called “Cover Up” on “Price Is Right.” In the game, contestants cover up an incorrect number with the right number for the chance to win a prize. The bottom row of numbers are covered up with one of the numbers above it; however, Carey insists that the bottom numbers be ...

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Image via YouTube/CBS

Image via YouTube/CBS

Drew Carey really hates the set up of a game called “Cover Up” on “Price Is Right.” In the game, contestants cover up an incorrect number with the right number for the chance to win a prize. The bottom row of numbers are covered up with one of the numbers above it; however, Carey insists that the bottom numbers be blank, because of their irrelevancy.

After complaining multiple times that the bottom numbers should just be blank tiles, the crew gave him exactly what he wanted. Well, kind of. They took away the numbers and replaced them with pictures of Carey’s funny facial expressions.

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Kanye West Lectures At Harvard, Says Design Is The Key To A Utopian World Mon, 18 Nov 2013 18:10:25 +0000 Rapper Kanye West recently gave a speech to architecture students at Harvard University’s Harvard Design School , and briefly discussed his belief that architecture was the key to a utopian world. DONDA Design Lecture Series” was implemented to help students engage in the importance of design in today’s world; DONDA is the creative agency started by Kanye in early 2012 ...

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Image via Instagram/

Image via Instagram/ KimKardashian

Rapper Kanye West recently gave a speech to architecture students at Harvard University’s Harvard Design School , and briefly discussed his belief that architecture was the key to a utopian world.

DONDA Design Lecture Series” was implemented to help students engage in the importance of design in today’s world; DONDA is the creative agency started by Kanye in early 2012 “to dream of, create, advertise and produce products driven equally by emotional want and utilitarian need…To marry our wants and needs.”

As he spoke to the crowd of students, he said, “I really do believe that the world can be saved through design, and everything needs to actually be ‘architected.’ I believe that utopia is actually possible. But we’re led by the least noble, the least dignified, the least tasteful, the dumbest, and the most political.”

And although the rapper is usually very vocal about his opinions to reporters, being around architects made him a bit nervous.

I’m a bit self conscious about tonight’s show because I’m showing it to architects,” he explained. “So the stage does have flaws in it. It’s an expression of emotion so give me a pass on that.”

At the end of the lecture, he gave the students 300 free tickets to his concert.

He’s heading to New York this week for his next lecture series and concert, though it’s unclear which school he’s targeting.

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Playstation 4 Sells 1 Million Unites On Launch Day Mon, 18 Nov 2013 17:36:33 +0000 The Playstation 4 game console was released on November 15th, and sold more than 1 million units on that day alone in the United States and Canada. People lined up at stores at midnight to get it as soon as possible. PS4 was designed with an unwavering commitment to gamers, and we are thrilled that consumer reaction has been so ...

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Image via Sony

Image via Sony

The Playstation 4 game console was released on November 15th, and sold more than 1 million units on that day alone in the United States and Canada. People lined up at stores at midnight to get it as soon as possible.

PS4 was designed with an unwavering commitment to gamers, and we are thrilled that consumer reaction has been so phenomenal,” said Andrew House, President and Group CEO at Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. “Sales remain very strong in North America, and we expect continued enthusiasm as we launch the PlayStation 4 in Europe and Latin America on November 29. We are extremely grateful for the passion of PlayStation fans and thank them for their continued support.”

The PS4 is moving at a much faster pace than its previous version, which took two months to reach sales of one million units, and was still Son’y fastest selling console.

TechInsights offered some estimates on why Sony is cashing out even bigger on the PS4 as opposed to its predecessor. According to its estimation of product parts, Sony is making $100 for each PS4, while it was losing $88 for each unit of the PS3. Still, other estimates aren’t as generous, and think Sony’s profit will come from buyers who purchase a game or two with the console.

Playstation 4’s competition is the XBox One, which will be released this Friday. Though they’ll be competing, there isn’t much difference between them—aside from the XBox’s motion sensor—the competition will be fierce. When the PS3 was released, it was priced $200 more than the XBox 360, but now, with the PS4 being $200 cheaper than its previous model, it’s a tough call.

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This Rob Ford And Chris Farley Mashup Will Have You Laughing Your Ass Off (Video) Mon, 18 Nov 2013 17:11:39 +0000 They say any press is good press, but we’d bet Rob Ford isn’t feeling all the press he’s been getting lately. After being outed by his staff on his alcohol and drug abuse, and then later awkwardly confessing to purchasing illegal drugs in front on the Toronto City Council, it seems things couldn’t get worse for Ford. One YouTuber saw ...

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They say any press is good press, but we’d bet Rob Ford isn’t feeling all the press he’s been getting lately. After being outed by his staff on his alcohol and drug abuse, and then later awkwardly confessing to purchasing illegal drugs in front on the Toronto City Council, it seems things couldn’t get worse for Ford.

One YouTuber saw the similarities between Ford’s sketch-comedy-like circumstances and actual sketch comedies from the late Chris Farley, who wrote and acted for Saturday Night Live; each clip in the mashup eerily compares to Farley performances. He took it and ran with it, creating a mashup for viewers to enjoy.

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13 Things You Didn’t Know About Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:43:27 +0000 Toronto mayor Rob Ford has been in the press a lot lately for his confession to smoking crack cocaine. He’s been accused of sleeping with a prostitute as well, but he refuses to step down. So how much do we know about the man who’s been on our television screens and newspaper? Apparently, cocaine is the least worry for the ...

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Image via rmnoa357/Shutterstock

Image via rmnoa357/Shutterstock

Toronto mayor Rob Ford has been in the press a lot lately for his confession to smoking crack cocaine. He’s been accused of sleeping with a prostitute as well, but he refuses to step down. So how much do we know about the man who’s been on our television screens and newspaper?

Apparently, cocaine is the least worry for the family, who have been through a lot.

“Our family has been through everything—from murder to drugs to being successful in business,” the mayor once told a reporter. “Nobody can tell me a story that can shock.”

Here are 13 things you didn’t know about Ford’s life:

1. He comes from a political family. His brother is a Toronto city councilor. His father was a politician and Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP).

2. His father was the founder of Deco Labels and Tags, which makes labels for plastic wrapped grocery items. It’s estimated to have $100 million in annual sales.

3. He grew up pretty rich. His house had a huge pool, six bedrooms and gardens that have hosted up to 1,000 visitors.

4. Comedian Mary Walsh ambushed him in his driveway with breast plates and a plastic sword, requesting an interview.

5. His dream was to become a football player. And being that his family had plenty to spare, they sent him to a youth football camp. Not your around-the-block football camp, either. Football camp with the Washington Redskins.

6. Although he was a popular football player in high school, his University coaches don’t even remember him.

7. He dropped out of college and went to work for his family’s company, becoming their “chief financial officer.”

9. None of his siblings graduated from college.

10. Although Ford won’t discuss the matter, one spokesman reported that his sister, Kathy, was a recovering heroine addict, and that he left school to help her.

11. The top of Kathy’s head was shot off (and required plastic surgery) by the same man who appeared at Ford’s doorsteps in early January, attempting to break in.

12. His wife, Renata, called police to their home and accused him of assault, but later withdrew this accusation.

13. The Harmony Dinner, a fundraising gala intended to help individuals pay off campaign debts, raised the most money for Ford, who owed over $600,000.

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