Renata Musial, Author at Wall Street Insanity Making Money Less Insane Tue, 11 Dec 2018 18:06:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 39880650 8 Small Ways To Make Big Differences To Your Health Mon, 23 Jun 2014 15:57:35 +0000 Not all of us are built—or evenly halfway motivated—to train for something like a marathon or triathlon, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be healthy. Good health doesn’t require extensive personal training or CrossFit sessions, either. Just making a few small changes in your lifestyle, some that might even surprise you, can make big differences in your health. 1. Decrease ...

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Columbia Pictures/ Rocky Balboa

Columbia Pictures/ Rocky Balboa

Not all of us are built—or evenly halfway motivated—to train for something like a marathon or triathlon, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be healthy. Good health doesn’t require extensive personal training or CrossFit sessions, either. Just making a few small changes in your lifestyle, some that might even surprise you, can make big differences in your health.

1. Decrease Your Stress Levels

It seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at the kinds of things that can stress you out: commuting to work, lack of exposure to the outdoors, toxic relationships (friends AND family), a stagnant job and so much more. Try to find ways to eliminate the negative. But if you can’t do that, some simple changes can impact your mood and, in turn, your health. Change your commute to add a little walk to the trip. Ditch the energy suckers from your life or just don’t spend as much time with them. If you can’t change your job right now, see what you can do to mix things up at work. Even making changes to your desk or work environment can have a huge impact.

2. Ditch Your “Social” Smoking Habit

According to the American Cancer Society, smoking between one to four cigarettes a day can increase the risk of dying from heart disease and other causes, like cancer. For women, the news is even worse: Women’s risk of lung cancer from light smoking is greater than men’s when compared to never-smokers of both genders. There’s absolutely nothing—I mean nothing—healthy about lighting up a cigarette. But you already know that. You may think you’re not addicted and can quit at any time, but the ACS says only four to five cigarettes a day can lead to withdrawal symptoms after 24 hours of abstinence. That sounds like an addiction to me.

3. Drink responsibly

Headed out for happy hour again this week? Consider limiting your alcohol consumption by several cocktails to make some major impacts on your health. Also, consider what you’re drinking. Not all drinks are created equally, and the added sugar and calories you’re consuming in your mixed drinks may be doing more damage than you think. Consider a stiffer drink taken on the rocks or neat. You’re bound to drink (at least a little) less because the taste will be so much stronger to you. Also consider having red wine instead. The proclaimed antioxidants and other health “benefits” in red wine sound like reason enough to have a glass or two.

4. Walk A Little More

Pick up a FitBit or Nike Fuel band and monitor how much you move during the day. You’ll probably surprise yourself at how little it really is. If you add more steps to your day, you’ll likely end up needing less hours at the gym.

5. Ease Off The “Low-Fat” And “Diet” Foods

More and more studies are showing that low-fat diets can actually be detrimental to your health. Low-fat foods are full of chemicals, fillers and ingredients you can’t name to substitute the full-fat flavors you’re missing. Low-fat diets also tend to be higher in carbohydrates and devoid of manynutrients your body needs to maintain optimal health. So keep your portions in check, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and go ahead and enjoy that filet.

6. Shop Locally

Where do you buy your groceries? Cheaper is not always better, and the savings in your wallet can often be at the expense of your health. Consider stepping it up, at minimum, to organic produce to avoid the pesticides that can otherwise leach into your food. As the weather warms, shop farmers markets where the produce is likely local and minimally processed. You can get to know these farmers and vendors as you start to educate yourself about where your food is coming from and, more importantly, how it’s being grown or raised.

7. Eat A Few Eggs

Eggs—particularly the yolks—have gotten a bad rap in years past for increasing cholesterol, but as it turns out they may in fact be the perfect source of protein and nutrients to kick start your day. Just one egg contains only 78 calories and 6 grams of protein! Don’t be afraid of the 5 grams of fat; that along with the protein will help keep you full through to lunch.

8. Go To Bed A Little Earlier

Getting more sleep is good for your health from head to toe. Increased sleep improves your blood circulation, which in turn promotes the body’s creation of human growth hormone. That hormone creates collagen (think better skin and hair), among other important things to keep you feeling and looking youthful. You’ll also sharpen your memory and attention span, maintain a healthier weight and reduce stress levels, all which majorly impact your health.

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8 Dumb Things Women Tell Themselves That Stop Them From Achieving Success Thu, 01 May 2014 16:26:10 +0000 I’d like to introduce you to the naysayer preventing you from achieving success! I know, I know, you’re thinking, “FINALLY some answers! Someone to blame!” Pull out the mirror from you purse, sister, and take a look. She’s YOU. Women constantly tell themselves some incredibly dumb things that stop them from achieving success. Here’s what they are and how to do ...

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Image via Shutterstock

Image via Shutterstock

I’d like to introduce you to the naysayer preventing you from achieving success! I know, I know, you’re thinking, “FINALLY some answers! Someone to blame!” Pull out the mirror from you purse, sister, and take a look. She’s YOU.

Women constantly tell themselves some incredibly dumb things that stop them from achieving success. Here’s what they are and how to do something about it.

1. “I’m not smart enough.”

Being “smart enough” is highly subjective and dependent on many circumstances. Unless you’re vying for a position completely outside of your expertise, say NASA Scientist, you should never assume that you’re not smart enough for the task or job. It’s about how you apply yourself to what’s at hand, whether it’s a new job or a task at work. Approaching the task aggressively, identifying possible solutions, and educating yourself on issues you’re not familiar with are great ways to demonstrate that you in fact are very smart.

2. “I’m not pretty enough.”

I’m here to tell you that you are pretty enough and it has nothing to do with how much makeup you’re wearing or how short your skirt is. Presentation is important and a sloppy-looking person is a bummer on society no matter their profession. But a new outfit isn’t going to cut it on it’s own.

If you’re truly feeling unpretty, and, more importantly, if you think it’s making a difference in your success, you need to start by looking within and addressing the insecurities that are holding you back.

3. “She’s younger.”

Ok, if you’re trying to make the Olympic team, your age may just impeded your success. But for the rest of us, age ain’t nuthin’ but a number, baby. As you “mature” into your late 20s and 30s, you’ll find that your confidence will increase and you’ll feel more secure in your abilities. But that doesn’t mean that every once in a while you won’t have those pang of jealousy when you see a new grad stroll into the office, full of energy and empty on baggage. What she doesn’t have is your experience, connections, and confidence. Focus on that and you’ll have no reason to worry about the newbie.

4. “Why would they want to hear from someone in my position?”

This is right up there with “That’s a stupid idea.” Don’t ever discount what you have to say if you think it’s relevant to the conversation. Grow a set and speak up! Until you start expressing yourself, no one will ever look to you as a contributor. Don’t wait for doors to open for you. Step up and do it for yourself.

5. “I don’t have the experience,” or “I don’t know how to do that.”

Unless there truly are some specific requirements for a position you want (aka NASA Scientist-type stuff) you have more applicable skills than you think. In her book, “Lean In,” Sheryl Sandberg notes a 2011 McKinsey study showing that while men are promoted based on potential, women get a leg up based on past accomplishments. Sandberg notes that this is problematic and encourages women to apply for the jobs they want, not only for the jobs that they think they are qualified.

6. “I don’t know enough people.”

Networking should be a routine part of your life so if it’s not, change that. Don’t worry so much about having to meet new people as focusing your attention on building relationships and learning more about the people you already know. But, if you’re new to an area or profession, you might have to hustle a little bit and actually put yourself out there. Join some professional organizations or reach out to your school’s alumni office for guidance.

7. “I’ve been out of work for so long.”

Returning to work after an absence can be extremely difficult. Don’t make it tougher for yourself by being insecure. Regardless of the fact that you’ve been collecting a pay check, you’ve (hopefully) still be acquiring skills that would make you valuable to an employer. If you stayed home to raise kids, you’ve become a highly skilled manager. If you were laid off due to the economy but have since been volunteering with Junior League, you’ve acquired leadership or fundraising skills. Think about what you’ve been doing with your time in between jobs and how you can sell that as a skill. Trust me, getting the kids fed, coiffed and out the door on time for school every day is a major skill and absolutely applicable at the office.

8. “I can’t have a flexible schedule.”

This may be shocking to you but you can actually ask for things from your employer. Whether it’s negotiating a compensation structure or a work-from-home scenario, just ask for it. Worst case, they say “no,” at which point you can decide for yourself whether that is a deal-breaker or not. Many employers are willing to go the extra mile for employees they value, especially if it means increased productivity for them. Always, always stand up for yourself and ask for what you want.

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20 Things New Parents Should Not Stress About Mon, 28 Apr 2014 16:13:43 +0000 The day you have been waiting for has finally arrived! You’ve come home from the hospital with your new baby! A girl! You are in an all encompassing state of bliss and happiness. She’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever see. And as you walk into your house, that adorable, precious, absolutely amazing bundle of joy lets out a blood curdling scream, ...

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Universal Pictures/The Change-Up

Universal Pictures/The Change-Up

The day you have been waiting for has finally arrived! You’ve come home from the hospital with your new baby! A girl!

You are in an all encompassing state of bliss and happiness. She’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever see. And as you walk into your house, that adorable, precious, absolutely amazing bundle of joy lets out a blood curdling scream, the likes of which you’ve only heard emitted by dragons on HBO, and you’re quickly brought back to reality.

The nurses are gone, my friend; it’s now entirely up to you. But, before that “oh shit” moment totally overwhelms you, know that there are some things that you should not stress about. Welcome to parenthood.

1. Buying expensive “stuff” for the baby.

2. That you don’t really want visitors right away after coming home from the hospital. Hormone and stress levels are high, and you’re just getting used to this new life you’ve brought home. Take it all one step at a time, at your own pace.

3. Asking others for help. Or hiring some. Simplify your life and get a cleaning lady once in a while.

4. That you’re living in pajamas for a while, camped out on the couch.

5. The cleanliness of your house. You should probably take out the trash once in a while but cut yourself some serious slack in those early days.

6. Not having finished the baby’s room. The baby is going to sleep everywhere but in their own room/crib for for the first few weeks or months. Plus, their interior design gene hasn’t kicked in so they can’t quite appreciate the decor just yet.

7. How exhausted you are. You will eventually sleep, I promise.

8. The shape of the new momma’s body. She bore a child and that makes her even more beautiful than before. End of story.

9. Dressing the baby in “outfits.” You’re changing their diaper 12-15 times a day. Do you really want to be removing baby jeggings each time?

10. Buying them too many toys. They love simple things: the sound of your voice reading to them, funny faces, fans. Keep it simple.

11. Not seeing your friends as often as you used to. Becoming a new parent is like getting a new job. It becomes all-encompassing for a while until you get your bearings. You’ll see them again, don’t worry.

12. Working out. There are only so many hours in the day. Don’t stress yourself (or your body) out too much. Take walks, go for strolls, enjoy the outdoors.

13. Your mother-in-law’s advice. Nod and smile. Thank her for her concern. Then do whatever the hell you want to do.

14. That your parenting style is a little different than your partners. Ideally you have the same parenting goals for your child but how you reach them can be different and that’s okay. How you diaper may not be how he does it and vice versa. The baby will survive if dad snuggles him a little differently than mom does or doesn’t make the funny voices when reading stories. Let each parent do it their own way.

15. That you will be easily irritated by your spouse/significant other. Did I mention that stress levels are kind of high?

16. The baby will cry. A lot. For no reason. But sometimes for a reason. And sometimes you can figure out the reason. But most of the time you can’t figure out the reason. And you will want to cry. But everyone is going to be okay. Get yourself some earplugs.

17. What the “experts” say. One will say “do this.” Another will say, “never do this, do that.” A third will say, “you’re CRAZY to do this or that, do those.” Take everything with a grain of salt and use what works for you and your life. Every kid is different.

18. Bringing a crying baby out in public. This is of course with some limitation but don’t stress out if you go out in public and your baby starts crying. You’re probably more stressed and upset about it than the people around you. Try to calm them and leave if absolutely necessary but try to stay calm about it.

19. Meeting other people’s expectations. It’s not a race or a contest, there’s no trophy to be won. Ignore what others expect of you and do what you have to do, or what you want to do. It’s your family. You get to be the boss.

20. Being Martha Stewart in the kitchen. You’ll want to try to provide healthy meals for yourself and your family when the baby arrives but don’t put pressure on yourself to cook like you did before, or, worse yet, to learn to cook now that baby is here. Stick to simpler meals (maybe swap out Martha’s recipes for Rachel’s?).

Becoming a new parent is life-altering, to say the least. But don’t sweat the small stuff and you’ll be a calmer, happier person and parent.

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20 Things People Don’t Know About Business Owners Mon, 21 Apr 2014 21:44:14 +0000 Are you sitting at your desk, drinking that third cup of coffee, staring blankly into space and daydreaming about being your own boss? Seems like a pretty enticing idea doesn’t it? Making your own hours, taking a vacation when you want and not when it fits into the office “schedule.” Working for the man is a joke, right? Owning your ...

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Are you sitting at your desk, drinking that third cup of coffee, staring blankly into space and daydreaming about being your own boss? Seems like a pretty enticing idea doesn’t it? Making your own hours, taking a vacation when you want and not when it fits into the office “schedule.” Working for the man is a joke, right? Owning your own business is the life. Or is it? Owning your own business isn’t always what you think it’s cracked up to be. There are inherent risks and obligations that you have as an owner that you just don’t quite appreciate when you clock in from 9 to 5.

Here are 20 things people don’t know about business owners:

1. Ownership is 24/7, which means the good and bad can happen at all hours of the day and night.

2. With great power comes great responsibility. As the boss, you’re responsible for everything. I mean everything.

3. If you’re just getting started in your business, you likely won’t be making a dime for a long time.

4. Your time is not your own, especially in the early days of startup. Businesses are demanding mistresses that will hoard all of your time and attention.

5. Business owners take on major financial risk. They generally pour large portions (or all) of their personal savings into their businesses or take on major debt via business loans.

6. The personal relationships of business owners tend to suffer due to that demanding mistress mentioned in No.4. Hanging out with friends? Time with the family? Significant other? Your social life takes a major back seat during the early days of your business. Many business owners figure out how to balance both but unfortunately, some just never do.

7. Business owners can never “just let the boss handle it.” They are the boss and always the ultimate final decision.

8. The potential for liability is very high. As a business owner you are responsible for everything the business does, including in many instances the activities of your employees.

9. Taxes are a real bitch. You thought Uncle Sam took a lot of money from you before? Just wait until you get slapped with the taxes as a business owner, especially if you’re doing well but not exactly hitting Donald Trump-like profit margins.

10. As a business owner, customers demand your attention every second of the day.

11. So do your employees.

12. Finding time for yourself as a business owner is next to impossible. Working out? Hobbies? Planning a vacation? All of these are likely taking a major backseat in your life for a while.

13. Sometimes it takes a lot of mistakes before you get things right in your business.

14. The shoe cobbler is usually wearing the shittiest shoes. He doesn’t have time to get himself a nice, new pair of shoes. He’s too busy working on everyone else’s shoes!

15. Business owners are constantly stressing about the future.

16. Business owners are responsible for securing their own retirement plans, insurance policies and all the other “perks” of a job you get working for someone else.

17. Employee bitching and HR issues? Business owners have to stay apprised of all of the issues going on in the businesses, including BS issues.

18. A business owner’s entire schedule is at the mercy of the business. There’s always a fire to put out, a client to meet or something to do.

19. Like their schedule, a business owners’ minds are always full of thoughts related to their businesses. Midnight awakenings with business worries or ideas are a frequent reoccurrence.

20. You’re generally the last to get paid as a business owner. After the bills and the inventory and the employees and the taxes are taking care of, there might be a little or a lot left for you to take home at the end of the day.

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9 People You Should Be Networking With Right Now Tue, 15 Apr 2014 17:55:08 +0000 Relationships are one of the keys to success in life. The words “Oh, I have a friend/colleague/client you definitely need to meet,” should be music to your ears. But that first introduction isn’t always made for you so you’ll have to network. Networking takes some skills, which we’ll  address in a later post. But knowing who to network with can sometimes be ...

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Image via Shutterstock

Image via Shutterstock

Relationships are one of the keys to success in life. The words “Oh, I have a friend/colleague/client you definitely need to meet,” should be music to your ears. But that first introduction isn’t always made for you so you’ll have to network.

Networking takes some skills, which we’ll  address in a later post. But knowing who to network with can sometimes be just as challenging. Here are thirty people you should be networking with right now.

1. Former Bosses/Employers And Colleagues

This is the reason why you don’t give the middle finger to the entire office on your last day. You want to be able to call some of these people a few months or years later and talk to them mano-a-mano.

2. Your Brother/Sister

So your sister is in marketing/PR and you’re in finance. Who could she possibly know that could benefit you? You’d be surprised. Network with siblings or family members, particularly those outside of your field. It will expand your contact list and introduce you to unique people and opportunities. Business fields overlap in more ways that you realize.

3. Your Hairdresser/Dry Cleaner/Barista

Do people you see on a regular basis know what you do for a living? They should. Just by the nature of the businesses that they are in, these people are generally chatty, friendly, and great salesmen & women. Not only do they have the potential to provide you with referrals and new clients, they likely have clients that are exactly the people you want to be meeting.

4. The Social Media Community

You may have a listing on LinkedIn or identify your employer on social media sites, but are you actually providing any information about what you’re working on or interested in? Obviously you want to use discretion about the information you disclose but this will give others an opportunity to have that “Oh, you should meet so-and-so!” conversation.

5. Former Classmates

Remember the guy that lived on your couch in colleague or your best friend in high school? They might not all have become CEOs of companies you want to work for but they just might be a great resource for you. Networking is about expanding your relationship circles and introducing yourself to many different types of people.

6. Co-Workers

Yours and your significant others’. Networking shouldn’t just be limited to work. Grow your personal social networks by sharing your interests with co-workers. What about what your spouse does for a living? Who does he work with that might be able to help you? You have to approach networking with a completely open mind.

7. Church, Hobby Or Community Groups

These networks of people can be beneficial to you both socially and career-wise. Sharing your work experience with those that share a common interest provides opportunity for referrals or new clients. In turn, it cultivates your passions.

8. Your Friends

Do you really know what your friends do for a living? Where do they work, who do they talk to on a regular basis? Is there a potential benefit somewhere there for you? Tag along to a gallery opening the next time your art dealer roommate invites you. Attend that presentation at the University your adjunct professor-friend keeps talking about. Having your friend present is an added bonus because they will make you feel comfortable in an otherwise foreign setting.

9. Your Kids’ Networks

This is a pretty general group of people that includes (obviously) other parents, school groups, teachers, even pediatricians. Eventually you’ll run out of “kid things” to talk about and the conversation will turn to “what do you do?” Don’t just provide the one-line “I’m a lawyer” response. Ask questions to show your interest in their work or talk about projects or practice area you’re involved with.

Networking isn’t just something you do at scheduled happy hour events once a month. It’s something you can (and should) be doing every day with the people you regularly see and talk to. Take advantage of non-conventional contacts and you’ll find your professional and social circles expanding to your benefit.

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50 Things Every New Parent Should Know Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:34:01 +0000 Becoming a parent for the first time is life-altering. You probably already know that. What you don’t know is just how life-altering it actually is. There’s no going back. And that’s both really great and kind of sad all at the same time. Here are a few things every new parent should know. 1. Nobody really knows what they are ...

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Warner Bros. Pictures

Warner Bros. Pictures

Becoming a parent for the first time is life-altering. You probably already know that. What you don’t know is just how life-altering it actually is. There’s no going back. And that’s both really great and kind of sad all at the same time. Here are a few things every new parent should know.

1. Nobody really knows what they are doing as a new parent, we’re all just doing our best.

2. What will work for one set of parents may not work for you and vice versa.

3. You need to cut yourself some slack.

4. Your baby will be okay if he/she cries for a few minutes so you can take a shower.

5. Taking a shower will feel as exhilarating and wonderful as a spa day. Even if the shower only lasts two minutes.

6. You will lose the baby weight but you may never wear those jeans again.

7. Nursing is natural but doesn’t necessarily come naturally. There is a difference. Don’t worry if it’s hard for you as a new mom, it’s hard for us all. Just keep trying.

8. You will continue to get unsolicited advice about everything. Nod and smile and then do whatever you want to do. YOU are the parent now.

9. Your mom or mother-in-law might get pushy. It’s okay to (gently) tell her you’ve got everything under control, even if you entirely don’t.

10. Let your husband/partner/baby daddy do things his own way. It will stress you out less in the long run and give you much needed breaks.

11. You will need maternity cloths to leave the hospital. I promise you.

12. Babies don’t need as much stuff as you think.

13. You and your partner/significant other/spouse will do things differently. That’s okay, just let them.

14. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Seriously. At least once in a while.

15. Baby carriers will be your best friend.

16. As will Halo Sleepsacks. The expensive swaddle blankets you registered for and were on every celebrity’s “list” of must haves suck. Thought they are useful to clean up messes and baby puke.

17. You thought keeping adult socks paired after laundry was hard, wait for the baby socks. Simplify your life and buy one color.

18. It’s okay to live in your pjs for a few weeks after the baby is born. But eventually, do yourself a favor and put on some real clothes. It will help your sanity exponentially.

19. Get some exercise. Forget the crossfit or shred videos, take a walk. Even in the dead of winter you can head to an area mall and just stroll around. Walking is better exercise than you think.

20. The mood swings may be intense. You’ll cry for no reason for a few days/weeks after the baby is born. It’s okay.

21. Look for signs of serious depression and talk to someone quickly if you feel abnormally blue.

22. Two words: Lansinoh products

23. Not all diapers are created equally. Cheaper is not always better.

24. You don’t need a wipe warmer.

25. Read things to your baby that you want to read. Books, magazines, blogs, whatever. The baby just wants to hear your voice. You want to keep your sanity.

26. You may not feel immediately connected to your baby. That’s not abnormal.

27. Visiting with friends is important. Get out without your baby, even for a few short hours.

28. Date nights will be more important than ever.

29. Whatever stage of screaming your baby is in, it will eventually pass. They will stop crying, they will (eventually) fall asleep. Have faith.

30. The baby stage passes much more quickly than your realize. And you don’t realize until it’s already passed. Try to enjoy the quiet and snuggly moments as much as you can.

31. You will appreciate your own mother so much more.

32. You’ll take a zillion pictures but won’t actually have any in your house. Print some once in a while!

33. Take turns sleeping for a while. You’ll both end up better rested.

34. Forward facing baby carriers are bad for baby’s hips. Use a carrier but keep baby facing you (or eventually on your back).

35. You know more than you think you know about parenting.

36. Your baby will puke or poop all over you, multiple times a day, and you won’t even care. Something about it being your own kid, you just feel so bad for them you don’t even care that you’re swimming in filth.

37. You will often have unidentifiable baby “stuff” in your hair. Especially new moms. Hopefully it’s not poop.

38. You’re going to need some help so when people offer it, accept it! You don’t get an award for doing it all yourself.

39. Babies are easily entertained with things you already have around the house. Don’t go crazy with the toys.

40. Baby spit up is totally normal and will happen on a daily basis.  It generally is not a reason to worry.

41. You’ll feel extremely defensive. About everything.

42. Google will freak you out about everything. Go easy on the Google.

43. Keep your expectations low for a while. It will help you get through the days.

44. Your old life is gone. Rather than focusing on the loss, think about the potential of the future!

45. Stay at home parents, specifically moms, feel extreme guilt just as working moms, it just may be for different reasons.

46. Parenting isn’t a competitive sport.

47. It’s okay to have a cocktail once (or thrice) in a while. You’re not a nun. And actually, I think even nuns probably get to throw one back every once in a while.

48. You’re the boss! You get to make the decisions about how things are going to work. So do what works for you and your family.

49. Write. You don’t have to keep scrapbooks or journal, but maybe write a note to yourself or your baby. Or jot some notes down in a notebook. What are you feeling? How are things going? Writing is cathartic and, even if you’re not terribly sentimental, you might enjoy reading about these experiences later on in your parenting journey.

50. It’s okay to take some shortcuts at home while you’re getting acclimated to new-parenting.  Get a cleaning lady once a month or have groceries delivered.  At minimum get an Amazon Prime membership!

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25 Things You Should Stop Beating Yourself Up About Right Now Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:49:33 +0000 “Don’t sweat the small stuff,” my dad always said. Which usually pissed me off because whatever I was sweating was usually small. But I didn’t care, I was upset and could care less about taking things in perspective. Later on, I realized how right he was. Many things that stress us out are just not worth worrying over. They are ...

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20th Century Fox/Fight Club

20th Century Fox/Fight Club

“Don’t sweat the small stuff,” my dad always said. Which usually pissed me off because whatever I was sweating was usually small. But I didn’t care, I was upset and could care less about taking things in perspective. Later on, I realized how right he was. Many things that stress us out are just not worth worrying over. They are usually things we can’t control and only make us feel worse about ourselves, when we’re otherwise pretty awesome. Here are 25 things to stop beating yourself up about right now.

1. Not Going To Grad School

Unless you have a very specific purpose for attending, don’t worry about whether you have an advanced degree. Most of those in grad school these days are there because they couldn’t get a job or had no idea what to do after college.

2. Earning Less Than Six-Figures

A larger income may mean a little more financial security but it also means greater responsibilities. Live below your means and you’ll be richer in the long run.

3. Not Getting Into An Ivy League School

The name on your diploma only matters to a very small percentage of employers out there.  Be proud of your degree no matter what school it’s from.

4. Wanting To Quit Your Career To Stay Home With Kids

You have to do what’s right for you and your family. Don’t worry or listen to naysayers.

5. Not Wanting To Quit Your Career To Stay Home With Kids


6. Not Getting Your “Dream Job.”


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The majority of us don’t have a dream job. The point is to keep trying to find the job that makes you happy.

7. Finding Out Your Dream Job Isn’t A Dream

Sometimes, a lucky few actually do nail their “dream job.” And then find out that it’s actually not their dream job.  It’s kind of sad.  But at least they got to experience it and can move on. Most of us are just going to spend our lives striving to find the dream job that we never land. Consider yourself lucky.

8. Getting Dumped By Your Significant Other

Life is not over, I promise. It will feel like it for a short period of time. But consider it a favor. You were not meant to be and that person did you a favor by realizing it for you, just a short time before you would have realized it yourself.

9. Getting Passed Up For That Promotion/Fired

Major bummer but, like the significant other that dumped you, this can sometimes be the best thing that happened to you.

10. Losing A Client/Messing Up A Big Job

Oops. Hopefully this doesn’t result in you getting canned. But be smart about how you make mistakes: own up to it and work to fix it as best as possible.

11. Not Getting To The Gym As Often As You’d Like

We’d all love to have a celebrity bod under that trench coat but let’s face it, we have busy lives that don’t usually come with a personal trainer and chef.  Make mostly good decisions about what you eat and stay at least a little bit active and you’ll be okay.

12. Being A Bad Cook

At least give it a try and learn to make a few things, at minimum to keep yourself alive during the apocalypse or for a date. Eggs are easy and can be made into breakfast, lunch AND dinner.

13. Not Appreciating (Or Even Liking) Wine

Enjoy your whiskey or micro-brew or cranberry juice or whatever it is that you like to drink and don’t even think twice that you have no idea (or interest) in grape varietals, texture or body. Although you should still try to get to wine country at some point, if solely for the food.

14. The Fact That You Could Care Less About Half Of The Popular TV Shows “Everybody” Is Watching

Who has the time to watch all of these shows anyway? If you want to keep up with water cooler chatter, check out a BuzzFeed synopsis and keep yourself apprised of the plot.

15. That You Like Country Music

Ok, you can beat yourself up a little about this one.

16. That Your Kid Is In Daycare/Watches TV/Plays With An iPad.

Parenting equals survival. We all do what we have to do.

17. That You Don’t Actually Make Anything You Post To Pinterest

Seriously some of these people are nuts! Who has time to make all of this stuff? Handmade valentines? DIY furniture? The crockpot recipes might be the only thing you have time for and that’s okay.

18. Deciding That You Actually Hate The Career You Spent The Last 2, 4, 6+ Years Working Towards


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Life is too long to be wasted in a career you despise so consider yourself lucky to have figured it out so soon.

19. Not Being Married By [Insert Age You Thought You’d Be Married By Here]

Your perfect guy or girl is out there. Focus on being the best you that you can be and he or she will take notice. In the mean time, enjoy yourself. People are attracted to people that are enjoying themselves.

20. That You Don’t Take Vitamins

Today it’s good for you, tomorrow it’s not. Who has time to keep it all straight? Try to eat a variety of foods and you’ll probably end up with all of the nutrients you need. You can pick up some vitamins tomorrow.

21. Falling On Your Face While Trying Something New

Whether literally or figuratively, don’t beat yourself up for making an ass of yourself. Giving something new a try takes guts. Be proud of the fact that you gave it a shot. And try again.

22. Getting Into Financial Trouble

Don’t beat yourself up about it but remember that it’s never too late to get out of debt or turn things around. Just make the decision to start today and put together a plan to execute.

23. Failing To Accomplish Everything On Your “To Do” List

Keep your expectations realistic. Tomorrow is another day.

24. That You Drive A Gas Guzzler

Maybe try to recycle a little more.

25. That You Haven’t Picked Up A Book In Years

There are only so many hours in a day so do with them what you can. Try to keep yourself abreast of current events, at least.

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30 Quotes On Money That Will Make You Think Twice Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:17:18 +0000 For as long as currency has existed in this world, men and women have been musing about it and its impact on business, on happiness, and on the future. Here are a few of my favorites to get you thinking. 1. “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” -Warren Buffet, business magnate, ...

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For as long as currency has existed in this world, men and women have been musing about it and its impact on business, on happiness, and on the future. Here are a few of my favorites to get you thinking.

1. “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” -Warren Buffet, business magnate, investor and philanthropist.

2. “Money often costs too much.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson, American author.

3. “Money can’t buy happiness but it will certainly get you a better class of memories.” -Ronald Reagan, actor and 40th President of the United States.

4. “Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish but it will not replace you as the driver.” -Ayn Rand, author and philosopher.

5. “Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.” -Woody Allen, actor and writer.

6. “Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money. It lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States.

7. “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” -Henry David Thoreau, American author.

8. “I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.” -Thomas Sowell, economist, social theorist and political philosopher.

9. “It’s not in the dreaming, it’s in the doing.” -Mark Cuban, businessman, investor and owner of Dallas Mavericks.

10. “I have ways of making money that you know nothing of.” -John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil Company.

11. “The key to making money is to stay invested.” -Suze Orman, financial adviser and author.

12. “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” -Will Smith, actor.

13. “A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.” -Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company.

14. “I’m grateful for the blessings of wealth, but it hasn’t changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I’m just wearing better shoes.” -Oprah Winfrey, television host, philanthropist, and media proprietor.

15. “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” -Jim Rohn, entrepreneur and speaker.

16. “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” -Albert Einstein, physicist.

17. “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” -Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father and inventor.

18. “Every day I get up and look through Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work.” -Robert Orben, comedian and writer.

19. “It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.” -Albert Camus, Nobel Prize winning author and philosopher.

20. “I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.” -Pablo Picasso, artist.

21. “Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” -George Carlin, comedian and writer.

22. “Don’t worry about writing a book or getting famous or making money. Just lead an interesting life.” -Michael Morpurgo, English author and poet.

23. “If you want to know what a man is really like, take notice of how he acts when he loses money.” -Simone Weil, French philosopher and political activist.

24. “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -Thomas Edison, inventor.

25. “Be nice to geeks. You’ll probably end up working for one.” Bill Gates, business magnate and philanthropist.

26. “Do not wait to strike until the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” -William B. Sprague, American clergyman.

27.  “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.” -Maya Angelou, American author.

28. “Know what you own and why you own it.” -Peter Lynch, American businessman and stock investor.

29.  “Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” -Carl Sandburg, American author.

30. “I don’t think of work as work and play as play. It’s all living.” -Richard Branson, English business magnate and investor.

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3 Ways Your Ego Will Destroy You Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:34:46 +0000 Confidence is key. I’ve said it and you’ve read it, many a time in many a form. Having a strong sense of self and belief in your value as an individual can truly be a critical element to your success at home, in the office, in relationships and generally in life. But, what happens when that sense of value gets a ...

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Paramount Pictures/The Wolf Of Wall Street

Paramount Pictures/The Wolf Of Wall Street

Confidence is key. I’ve said it and you’ve read it, many a time in many a form. Having a strong sense of self and belief in your value as an individual can truly be a critical element to your success at home, in the office, in relationships and generally in life. But, what happens when that sense of value gets a little out of hand? Or even a lot out of hand? Keeping tabs on your ego is also critical to harnessing the power of self-confidence.

Ego derives from the Latin and Greek word, “I” and in English is used to mean the “self,” or “identity.” It’s a belief system you have that identifies your place in this world. So what happens when that belief system becomes skewed a little (or a lot) out of whack and you find that you’ve turned into “that guy” or “that girl” that everybody loves to hate: the ego maniac. Is that really so terrible? Yes, yes and YES. On multiple levels. Time to rein it in cowboys and girls, because your ego is going to destroy you.

The Lone Wolf

First to go, your relationships. Now, I admit, at certain points, The Wolf of Wall Street kind of had it made. But every big dog has his moments of despair and isolation, and they aren’t pretty. An overblown ego does attract people, but they are generally the wrong people: opportunists and other ego-maniacs. The people you want to attract are generally repelled by your overblown ego. They just can’t relate to you and, worse, they eventually can’t even stand you. You’re entirely self-absorbed in your own life. And this just doesn’t work.

This is especially problematic because it’s usually a two way street. As others withdraw from you, you withdraw from people because you can’t relate and you can’t stand them either. After all, you no longer share the same interests, that, primarily, being you! All that is left is the people that think they have something to gain from your perceived superiority. Have you ever wondered why the majority of your relationships are so superficial?

Superficial relationships don’t require much in the way of time or effort. As you become less and less attentive to the needs of others, you quickly find relationships deteriorating that you still sort of care about. Friends stop texting, your significant other spends time with everyone but you, even your mother raises her eyebrows a little more often when you’re around. Remember, relationships are your gateway to the world. They impact your levels of happiness and ability to succeed in life, among other things, so cultivate them and don’t let your ego destroy them.

Broke As A Joke

Next on the list of destruction? Your financial security. An inflated ego will destroy you financially because it will cause you to make careless decisions and take risks you might otherwise not take. Even if these expenditures are small in the grand scheme of things. Extensive partying and a insatiable shopping addiction can be more damaging than risky investments.

When you think you’re the $hit, you also think you’re (at least a little bit) invincible and immune to the effects of bad decisions.

“I don’t party excessively,” you say to yourself. “I’m networking with colleagues….four or five times a week.”

“A shopping addiction? I’m just rewarding myself for my hard work.”

An overinflated ego gives you a skewed sense of reality, thus leading to poor decision make. This is problematic and can quickly become destructive, resulting in excessive debt, inability to pay bills, a poor credit score, and a lack of savings.

Even the wealthiest businessmen and women have to be careful. We’ve all heard at least a few stories of otherwise successful celebrities and professional athletes filing for bankruptcy. Don’t let this become you.

Career Suicide

A final casualty of an overgrown ego is likely your career. Ok, you may not exactly get fired but your journey up the corporate ladder sure is going to be slow.

For many of the same reasons that your relationships and financial stability will suffer, your career is also likely to suffer as as result of ego. When you’re no longer connecting with people or making thought out financial decisions in your own personal life, you’re definitely not doing it at work. Again, we’re not talking about confidence, a very important trait to exhibit in your personal and professional life. We’re talking about the excessive confidence. The type that makes you think that you don’t have to prepare for a meeting or put in the face time with higher-ups because, well, you’re just “that good.” Not even the owner of the company should have this attitude.

An ego will destroy your career because people will treat you like you treat them, like a jack a$$. The lessons we learned in kindergarten, about playing nicely and treating others how you want to be treated, are actually life lessons that aren’t just applicable to the playground. Life is actually one big playground and a kid bullying everyone else is asking for it. And eventually the other kids are going to get their payback.  So, for crying out loud, play nice at work already.

An overgrown ego is certain to be a major obstacle in your life. First to be destroyed will be your relationships, personal and professional. Next your financial stability. And, finally, your career. Dealing with the spontaneously occurring challenges of life can be difficult enough, do you really need to create more work for yourself? Do your life and career a favor. Harness the power of your self-confidence and keep tabs on that ego. Your future self will be immensely successful and grateful for it.

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30 Habits Holding You Back From Success Mon, 24 Mar 2014 15:18:00 +0000 What’s holding you back from success? Are you wondering why your climb up the corporate ladder is taking longer than you’d like? Or why you’ve been passed over for that promotion at work, again? Successful people generally possess characteristics that positively impact their lives. But, in addition to that, they live lifestyles brimming with positive habits that also contribute to ...

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Image via Shutterstock

Image via Shutterstock

What’s holding you back from success? Are you wondering why your climb up the corporate ladder is taking longer than you’d like? Or why you’ve been passed over for that promotion at work, again?

Successful people generally possess characteristics that positively impact their lives. But, in addition to that, they live lifestyles brimming with positive habits that also contribute to their success. In your case, you might have a few habits that are actually holding you back. If any of these strike a chord with you, you might want to consider changing your lifestyle a little bit and focusing on ways to decrease habits that are holding you back from success.

1. Living excessively: drinking, spending, etc.
2. Starting your day late.
3. Work-a-holism
4. Hanging onto toxic relationships.
5. Refusing to be a team player.
6. Eating crap.
7. A cluttered desk.
8. Skipping breakfast.
9. Not getting enough sleep.
10. Disorganization in your personal life.
11. Always thinking inside the box.
12. Failing to take responsibility for mistakes.
13. Poor grooming habits or personal hygiene.
14. Always saying “yes.”
15. Lying.
16. Forgetting people’s names.
17. Lack of a knowledge of worldly events (at least a few).
18. Inability to maintain a conversation.
19. Poor grammar.
20. Boastfulness.
21. Fearful of change.
22. Let people walk all over you.
23. Stubbornness.
24. Pridefulness.
25. Never asking for help.
26. Being overly conservative.
27. A weak handshake.
28. Inability to relax.
29. Lack of personal interests.
30. Ungratefulness.

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