Colleen Woodward, Author at Wall Street Insanity Making Money Less Insane Tue, 02 Jun 2015 22:20:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 39880650 Stop Saying ‘Tomorrow:’ 5 Ways To Creating A More Reliable You Mon, 01 Jun 2015 19:05:02 +0000 Admit it, we’ve all been there. “I’ll start on Monday,” we say, and then Monday rolls around and we still shove that piece of cake down our throat, or show up to work 30 minutes late. Breaking bad habits is no easy task. The mentality that we can totally just kill the last of the ten beers in the fridge, ...

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Image via Unsplash/Stefan Kunze

Image via Unsplash/Stefan Kunze

Admit it, we’ve all been there. “I’ll start on Monday,” we say, and then Monday rolls around and we still shove that piece of cake down our throat, or show up to work 30 minutes late. Breaking bad habits is no easy task. The mentality that we can totally just kill the last of the ten beers in the fridge, and stop binge drinking on Monday is one that almost every person has. However, why should we start fresh on Monday when we can throw the cake in the garbage, and stop hitting snooze five times before actually getting up-today. Stop lying to yourself, and start creating a more reliable you.

1. Set a goal.

Not just a random wide-ranging goal. You need a specific and measurable goal. Stop saying, “I want to be fit.” Where is that going to get you? Everyone wants to be fit. But what does ‘being fit’ mean to you? Do you want to lose 20 pounds, run a marathon, or learn to weight lift? The more specific your goal is, the more attainable, and the more reliable you will be.

2. Tell friends, family, co-workers, significant others, etc., about your new goal.

Telling the people closest to you about the new change you’re trying to make will help you to keep on track. If they see you straying away from your goal, they will be the first ones to say something and get you back on the path to success.

3. Stay positive about your goal.

If your goal is to be on time to work every morning, and you oversleep one time in the five days you’ve been working on this new change, do NOT give up. It was one day, one mess-up, and you’ll do better tomorrow! You’re going to have bumps in the road to success, but throwing in the towel after the first bump will only set you back. Try and try again.

4. Write down in a journal or on your phone what you’re feeling each day.

Throughout this journey to a more reliable you, you’ll notice some significant physical and mental changes. When you look back at day one vs day thirty, you’ll see how far you’ve come — and you won’t want to stop there.

5. Reward yourself for ending your bad habits.

You made it seven days with clean eating? Go buy yourself some new gym clothes or get a pedicure (keep the reward positive, don’t go binge drinking a 6 pack!). It’s important to realize the progress you’re making, be proud of yourself, and then reward yourself for that success.

Wanting to make a change is the first step to success. However, following through is the most difficult part. Throw your fears, doubts, and excuses aside. Stop the pity party you’ve been throwing for yourself, and start creating a more reliable you.

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6 Ways Forgiveness Leads To A Happier You Tue, 19 May 2015 16:10:50 +0000 Forgiveness can easily be one of the hardest things we as human beings have to deal with. How do you just let go and forgive someone who has wronged you? How do you let the pain wash away? Although it is one of the hardest decisions to make, it is also one of the most freeing. Think about how much ...

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Image via Unsplash/Eli DeFaria

Image via Unsplash/Eli DeFaria

Forgiveness can easily be one of the hardest things we as human beings have to deal with. How do you just let go and forgive someone who has wronged you? How do you let the pain wash away? Although it is one of the hardest decisions to make, it is also one of the most freeing. Think about how much time you waste on a daily basis loathing a certain person who has wronged you. What if you could take back that time and use it for more positive change in your life? Forgiveness takes time; however, once you forgive, you are literally reclaiming a piece of your life. Not convinced yet? Here are six ways forgiveness can lead to an overall happier, healthier, and more positive you.

1. No more negative or obsessive thinking.

With the release of all negative thoughts surrounding the person or situation bringing you pain, you now have this huge space in your head for positive thinking. No one actually wants to sit around all day bashing an enemy in their head, so let it go and take on some happier thoughts.

2. Forgiveness means you win — yes you, the sad and angry person over there, you win!

By letting the person who has done you wrong swarm your every day thoughts and emotions, you are letting them walk free with your happiness in their hands. By forgiving them, you regain your happiness and you are the ultimate winner.

3. You now control your own path.

By letting the other person or situation take the wheel of your thoughts and emotions, you surrender control of your own life. Take back the wheel, kick that person or situation out of your car (by forgiving, of course), and start to move on in the direction that is best for YOU, not them.

4. Feeling anxious, stressed, and psychologically ill over this hurtful situation? Forgiveness is the key to resolving this.

No one enjoys that pain in your stomach and chest, or the anxiety that comes when we know we were wronged by someone. By saying those magic words, “I forgive you,” you are taking back your once-happy and anxiety-free self. Do your body and mind a favor and let it go.

5. Not only does forgiveness clear negative thoughts, it erases negative energy as well. (Aka: it’s a win-win)

The energy you carry around you is so, so important. If you’re not attracting success, good people, relationships, it could be because you’re walking around with a backpack full of negative energy and no one wants to be near you. Forgive, take the backpack off, and you’ll attract the positive people and situations you most likely desire.

6. New doors will open.

Because you have freed yourself of negative thoughts, energy, and a lack of control of your own happiness, you are open to receiving new opportunities.

Even if you are unable to physically say the words, “I forgive you” to the person, mentally say them to yourself. Write it down if you need to. It is important to find a healthy and positive balance in your life. Carrying around old baggage from someone who has wronged you is not helping you maintain that balance. Clear the space in your head and heart for new and exciting opportunities — and most importantly — happiness.

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9 Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate Tue, 12 May 2015 16:20:19 +0000 Every day, millions of people wake up wondering when they will find “the one.” Will they meet them at work today? Pass them on the street? We all want to find the person for us — our life partner, our soulmate. It can be difficult to explain to someone else what draws you to that special person. So, here are ...

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Image via Unsplash/Kevin Schmitz

Image via Unsplash/Kevin Schmitz

Every day, millions of people wake up wondering when they will find “the one.” Will they meet them at work today? Pass them on the street? We all want to find the person for us — our life partner, our soulmate. It can be difficult to explain to someone else what draws you to that special person. So, here are nine signs that you have met your match in life.

1. You would rather be with that person than alone.

We all enjoy “alone time” — sitting in our beds watching Netflix without anyone to bother us. However, when you’ve found your soulmate, you find yourself willing to share that space on the bed and computer screen (and maybe even the popcorn).

2. You support them no matter what, and vice versa.

Obviously you’re not condoning any plots for someone’s murder, but you’re there to push them through all of life’s tough decisions, heartbreaks, and celebrations.

3. There is no awkwardness.

You can be your absolute weird/crazy self around them, and they’ll just laugh (possibly at you, but all in fun). You don’t need to keep a constant flow of conversation going at all times, and are perfectly content in silence.

4. They know all of your stubborn ways (and you theirs), but still put up with them anyway, no matter how unreasonable you get.

Let’s be real, we all have our stubborn flaws that we can’t seem to erase. However, your soulmate sees past that and is willing to give you a gentle nudge out of your own head when needed.

5. You don’t have the same views on everything, but you respect one another’s thoughts/views anyway.

We’re not all going to agree on every political, religious, or other controversial topic out there. However, you and your soulmate respect that and can politely agree to disagree.

6. You motivate each other in the best and most positive ways.

If your soulmate wanted to lose that extra five pounds, you would be right beside them at the gym pushing them to accomplish their goal. And you know that, if you wanted to accomplish winning a food eating contest, they would be there to cheer you on.

7. Their success is your success.

There is no jealously or negative vibes when it comes to your soulmate (or you) making a big accomplishment. You are just as excited as they are, and vice versa. You want each other to succeed in all you decide to do, and will be right there to buy celebratory drinks when each of you gets what you want.

8. You mesh with their friends and family and even their pets.

Because you and your soulmate are like two peas in a pod, it’s easy to accept and love their posse. Friends and family are a huge part of what makes your soulmate who they are, so blending in with these people is easy.

9. You two just get each other.

No questions, no judgment, or weird side glances. Everything you do, you’re soulmate just gets and loves.

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Break Free: 6 Steps To Breaking Out Of Your Comfort Zone Mon, 04 May 2015 17:32:41 +0000 Most of us have become professionals at creating, maintaining, and not letting go of our comfort zones. Whether it is staying in the same town because you’re afraid of the big scary world out there, staying in a relationship because it’s ‘comfortable,’ or simply buying the same exact coffee every morning, we all have that safe zone we don’t want ...

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Image via Unsplash/Daria Nepriakhina

Image via Unsplash/Daria Nepriakhina

Most of us have become professionals at creating, maintaining, and not letting go of our comfort zones. Whether it is staying in the same town because you’re afraid of the big scary world out there, staying in a relationship because it’s ‘comfortable,’ or simply buying the same exact coffee every morning, we all have that safe zone we don’t want to leave. However, how are any of us going to find that perfect restaurant we’ve been dying to eat at if we keep going to lunch at the same place every day? How are we going to meet the person of our dreams if we don’t break our everyday routine? The simple answer is, you won’t. You won’t find what you’re looking for and you won’t chase your dreams if you remain stagnant in your everyday life. So, stop playing it safe and try these six steps below to break free.

1. Move.

You don’t need to move across the country. But get out of your hometown. How will you know what you’re capable of if you don’t step foot out of the town that is all you know? Your hometown will always be there, but real growth happens when you move out of that space and build your world somewhere new.

2. Do all of the things you said you were going to.

You know that list you made of all the things you wanted to do before you die that is probably collecting dust somewhere? Why haven’t you started knocking these adventures and goals off your list? What are you waiting for? You’re not magically going to climb the Rocky Mountains if you don’t get your ass out there and make it happen.

3. Travel.

If you really want to break that comfortable bubble you’ve created, traveling is a great way to do it. Jump on a plane, go somewhere you’ve never been, and immerse yourself in that culture and way of life, even if it’s just for one week. You will most definitely gain a whole new perspective on life, and be more willing to try new things.

4. Switch up that boring daily routine.

Doing the same exact thing every single day can get very predictable and comfortable. However, even switching something as simple as your coffee order can change your whole day. Don’t let yourself get predictable. Don’t let the barista know your coffee order every morning. Don’t let your boss know exactly what you’ll do that day. Don’t do the same boring treadmill workout. Start your day in a different way, and you’re already a step closer to breaking out of that comfortable bubble.

5. Meet new people.

This ties right along with number four. In order to meet new people, you’ll have to break that boring day-to-day routine. You probably think you have all the friends you want or need, but it doesn’t hurt to meet new people with different experiences and perspectives on life. They may spark an idea in you that you didn’t think about before. You may find your new best friend. You never know, so give it a try.

6. Find a new hobby.

Maybe you’re not ready to jump on that plane and surf an Australian wave. Totally understandable, but at least try something new. Even if it is something like knitting, cooking, or sewing. A new hobby will give you a new challenge in life, and is still something different from your routine. It is one small step towards trying more and more throughout your life.

Although steps one through three may seem a little drastic and scary, there is real value in resolving to tackle some of the things that scare us or challenge us the most. If you’ve always dreamed of living in Florida, why not give it a try? What have you got to lose? If you fail, at least you can say you tried, and even a disappointment or setback is a step away from the routine toward discovery.

But if you’re not ready to make that huge leap of faith in your life involved in moving, traveling, or accomplishing a bucket-list wish, steps four through six are probably more your speed. Even the small choice of getting your coffee made a different way can be part of dedicated attempt to break your safe and comfortable bubble over time. Push yourself, challenge yourself and you will see how exciting life can become when it’s fresh and new.

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