Comments on: 12 Things That Are Wrong With Dating Today Making Money Less Insane Sun, 16 Oct 2016 20:53:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: adyy78 Sun, 16 Oct 2016 20:53:40 +0000 I just typed “what is wrong with dating sites nowadays” and thise article came up in google, and i agree 95%.Good article without any bullshit.
I wish thing were simpler.About 10 years ago it was so easy to find girls onlie(chat site,forms) you became friends and if all went well,more came.But nowadays….oh my god -.-.As much as i LIKE facebook i hate it even more,it really destroyed a lot of things.
A lot of people are holding their phones all day to reply to messages to check posts etc.It’s taking away so much of their time and attention.And it changes everything in so many ways.
On the other hand, it also works as safeguard.It’s easier to recognize people with low value system,so if you see someone touching their phone all day,and you are looking for a good friend or more, you can evade that person.But if you see someone at work or school who barely touches their phone,that person is probably a batter candidate for ANY kind of realtionships.
So,while many things has changed,if you pay attention,you can see how these new things help us to understand or to know more/better about eachother.
